"Grace Kelly"(葛麗絲凱莉) Mika (米卡) (I wanna talk to you) (我要把話說清楚) (The last time we talked Mr. Smith, you reduced me to tears) (上一次我們的對話你讓我哭了) (I promise you, it won't happen again ) (我跟你保證沒有下一次)
Do I attract you? 我有魅力嗎? Do I repulse you with my queasy smile? 我的假笑讓人討厭嗎? Am I too dirty? 我太髒嗎? Am I too flirty? 我太花嗎? Do I like what you like? 我喜歡你喜歡的嗎?
I got to be wholesome 我可以很營養 I could be loathsome 我可以很噁心 Guess I'm a little bit shy 我想我有點小害羞 Why don't you like me? 為什麼你不喜歡我 Why don't you like me without making me try? 為什麼你不喜歡我還一直整我
I tried to be like Grace Kelly 我試著學摩納哥王妃 But all her looks were too sad 但她看起來很憂傷 So I tried a little Freddie 所以我改學皇后合唱團主唱 I've gone identity mad! 我要人格分裂啦
I could be brown 我可以變咖啡色 I could be blue 我可以變藍色 I could be violet sky 我可以變天空色 I could be hurtful 我可以變壞人 I could be purple 我可以變紫色 I could be anything you like 你要我怎樣我都可以 Gotta be green 一定要變綠色 Gotta be mean 一定要變刻薄 Gotta be everything more 一定要比想像更猛 Why don't you like me? 為什麼你不喜歡我 Why don't you like me? 為什麼你不喜歡我 Why don't you walk out the door! 為什麼你不快滾出去
(Getting angry doesn't solve anything) (發脾氣不會解決任何事情)
How can I help ya 我能怎麼辦 How can I help it 我能怎麼辦 How can I help what you think? 我能怎麼改變你的想法 Hello my baby 哈囉我的寶貝 Hello my baby 哈囉我的寶貝 Putting my life on my brink 把我逼到懸崖邊 Why don't you like me 為什麼你不喜歡我 Why don't you like me 為什麼你不喜歡我 Why don't you like yourself? 為什麼你不喜歡你自己 Should I bend over? 難道我要鞠躬 Should I look older just to be put on your shelf? 難道我要裝大牌才能讓你滿意
I tried to be like Grace Kelly 我試著學摩納哥王妃 But all her looks were too sad 但她看起來很憂傷 So I tried a little Freddie 所以我改學皇后合唱團主唱 I've gone identity mad! 我要人格分裂啦
Say what you want to satisfy yourself (Hey) 你說到底要怎樣你才滿意 But you only want what everybody else says you should want you want 你呀都聽別人說才知道自己要什麼
Humphrey, We're leaving 帥哥,我們該走了 Ka-ching 買單